What you need to know about AI and Weather Forecasting!

The application of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning to weather forecasting isn’t entirely a new topic. Early simplistic approaches have their origins going back to the 1970s/80s when statistical methods were used to enhance and improve traditional numerical models.

More recent developments of AI/ML in weather forecasting have been taking place at a breakneck pace and look set to continue advancing rapidly. Whatever we discuss in this topic of weather forecasting today, could be drastically different a year or two from now.

Nevertheless, getting a background in this new and important aspect of forecasting will prepare you for incorporating it into your weather analysis and forecasting process.

In this course you will learn:

  • What is AI/ML as it pertains to weather forecasting?
  • Does the hype of AI/ML match reality? What are the pros/cons?
  • What is available now in terms of AI/ML guidance, specifically in marine forecast?
  • Can AI/ML blend easily with existing forecast guidance and tools?
  • How should I apply AI/ML to my problem?
  • What does the future look like

Chris Bedford - MWU's Weather Coach

Chris is respected world-wide for the 38 years of experience and expertise in marine and coastal meteorology that he provides to the world's most accomplished and successful sailors. America's Cup teams, Olympic teams, Round the World and offshore programs and corporations all rely on his expertise. He is known for his straight-forward, honest, and practical approach to using weather knowledge as a competitive advantage.  And he loves sharing his knowledge. Chris has designed and teaches all of Marine Weather University's formal weather-related curriculum.

Where are you on the AI Technology Hype Cycle?

You see the terms "Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning" at every turn. If you believe the hype, it would seem as though the problem of perfect weather forecasting is about to be solved once and for all! Indeed, if you are like most people, you are headed toward or at the "peak of inflated expectations". Unfortunately, a turn about in the excitement level is going to happen with a fall into the "trough of disillusionment" as the world of AI/ML runs into what meteorologists already know: Our ability to adequately describe the existing state of the atmosphere to the detail we require falls short of our ability to apply physics, mathematics, and high speed computing to the problem.

In fact, there are "hidden" feedback loops within emerging AI/ML systems themselves which compound the problem. It turns out
the AI is often trained with flawed data since we can not perfectly define what the atmosphere looks like in the moment, let alone 6, 12, 24, or 72 hours from now. So let's cut through the hype and speed your path to the "slope of enlightenment" and "plateau of productivity" when incorporating AI into your marine weather decision making.


Harnessing AI to Transform Meteorological Methods


Blending Predictive Algorithms with Climatic Data


Weather Prediction Through Machine Learning