Chris Bedford Previews this Class

MWU's weather guru, Chris Bedford shares some insight into this new MWU advanced class.

Your instructor: Chris Bedford

Like all of Marine Weather University's curriculum - this course is created and taught by legendary meteorologist, Chris Bedford. To say Chris is one of the best marine meteorologists in the world would not be an understatement. He's doing his 11th gig as an America's Cup team forecaster. He's worked for Olympic teams, Round the World Race events and campaigns, and is one of the most in-demand forecasters in the world of sailboat racing.

Chris is known for his straight-forward, honest, and practical approach to using weather knowledge as a competitive advantage. He obtained his Meteorology degree at the University of Michigan and is highly regarded in his field, having served as President of the National Council of Industrial Meteorologists and on many professional boards and committees including the American Meteorological Society,

Chris' partner in Marine Weather University - 2x America's Cup winner, Peter Isler helps out in the classroom.

This Advanced Class Has a Prerequisite!

Satellite & Radar 201 is an advanced class that builds on the knowledge taught in MWU's Class #5 - Satellite & Radar Imagery.

To ensure students get the most out of this new class we are requiring Class #5 as a minimum prerequisite.

If you are already enrolled in MWU's Advanced or Fundamentals Course - you meet this prerequisite and can enroll in Satellite & Radar Imagary 201 here.

For students that need to meet the prerequisite - MWU is providing three different "bundle" options. They are all great deals offering a discount on the package.


We always encourage new students interested in marine weather to strongly consider enrolling in one of our full-length courses with a very special discount offer. At a minimum, to enroll in this class you will need to bundle with Class #5.

Please play fair - students that enroll directly in this class without meeting the minimum class prerequisite will be unenrolled and have their tuition refunded.

Minimum pre-requisite bundle

Bundle Satellite & Radar 201 with MWU's Course #5 to meet the pre-requisite requirement.

$199 ($49 bundle discount)


Meet this class' pre-requisite requirements with one of these three options

Bundle Sat & Radar 201 with MWU's flagship course - the 8 class Fundamentals Course to meet the pre-requisite requirement.

$599 ($99 bundle discount)


Ultimate pre-requisite bundle

Bundle Sat & Radar 201 with MWU's ultimate course - the 16 class Advanced Course!

$879 ($149 bundle discount)